Revital SA

Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions.
If you cannot find what you are looking for, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Is Revital® Ginseng Plus suitable for men and women?

Yes. This multivitamin is suitable for both men and women aged 18 and older.

Is Revital® Royale suitable for men and women?

Yes. This multivitamin is suitable for both men and women aged 18 and older.

What is the difference between Revital® Ginseng Plus and Revital® Royale?

The ingredients, which cater to different needs.

Revital® Ginseng Plus is packed with the power of panax ginseng, 10 vitamins and 9 minerals to help fight fatigue, reduce stress and boost energy.1

Revital® Royale is packed with the power of panax ginseng, royal jelly, selenium and co enzyme Q10, as well as vitamins and minerals, for assistance with healthy aging, cell protection and immunity.1,2

What is Royal Jelly?

Royal jelly is a natural product that is fed to queen bees throughout their entire life.2

It is a highly nutritious substance packed with vitamins, minerals, proteins, lipids and 8 essential amino acids that humans cannot produce, resulting in a healthy boost to our lifestyle.1,2

How often should I drink Revital® Ginseng Plus or Revital® Royale?

YES. Simple and easy to use for both Revital® Ginseng Plus and Revital® Royale – just one capsule daily with your breakfast, and you’re ready to go.

Can I use the product if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?

To be safe, only use Revital® Ginseng Plus and Revital® Royale when you are not pregnant or breastfeeding.

Can I use the product if I have allergies?

Revital® Royale contains peanut oil and should not be taken by patients known to be allergic to peanuts. As there is a possible relationship between allergy to peanut and allergy to soya, patients with soya allergy should also avoid Revital® Royale.1

How many capsules are in a container?

30 capsules.

Where can I purchase Revital® Ginseng Plus and Revital® Royale?

You can buy Revital® Ginseng Plus and Revital® Royale online and at select pharmacies.

If your pharmacy is out of stock, do not hesitate to get in touch for assistance.


#1 in India


Present in 23 Countries8


Trusted for Over 30 Years8


Supported by 5 Clinical Studies3-7